Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My father-in-law, Dan Kram, passed away on June 8, 2015.  He was an amazing man and inspired me to really live my life with thought . . . to take the time to look around me and see "what's what" with deliberate observation.  He loved his family and friends and was loved in return.  He was such a warm and friendly person, in business and in life -- he was beloved by his dry cleaner!  He lived a good life until the very end -- he wanted to be there for his beloved wife Joan.  Eventually, his body just stopped -- it had had enough.

Dan found his soul mate when he was in his 50s . . . Joan Mirin.  Without a doubt in my mind, Joan was the greatest love of his life.  Nothing else before or after meant as much to Dan as Joan. They were married for 32 years.  In that 32 years, I witnessed love, passion, friendship and respect all bundled into one relationship.  I wanted that and learned to have that -- partially by observing Dan and Joan.  Mainly because I married Dan's son Steve, who is so much like his father.

Dan loved to travel and had so many great stories to share.  He loved all things Italian, and he loved to hike in the beautiful places of the world.  When he started dialysis seven years earlier, his travelling days were limited to short jaunts.  Over time, they stopped completely.  He and Joan missed the mountains and trees, the wild flowers and wild life. . . but they never stopped watching travel shows and enjoying hearing about their family and friend's adventures.

That's when I started emailing pictures of my adventures to Dan and Joan . . . when they could no longer go where I was going.  I knew in my heart that I was going where I was going because I had been inspired by Dan and Joan's adventures, Dan's pictures, Joan's books and maps.

Dan had such a zest for living that he inspired it in others.  I want to make sure I honor all that he brought to my life by spending the next year sharing my adventures with him through my thoughts and memories.  As I take Dan with me on my adventures, I will find out for myself just how incredibly inspiring this man was in my life.

I miss him.

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