Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Today, Dan and I went for a bike ride down the Mary Carter Greenway, along the South Platte River. What a BEAUTIFUL DAY!  I could hear Dan say, "Gee, will you look at that?"  when I would see a duck surfing the waves in the middle of the river.  Or, "Gee, look at those flowers over there." when we would pass a field of achillea, daisies, flax, and other flowers I cannot name.  Truly, a lovely day.

We left the house around 9:30 in the morning, and rode down to the Bear Creek Trail, or BCT.  The Creek was flowing like MAD.  I have never seen it so full and fast.  Scary and awe inspiring all at the same time.  From the BCT we hopped on the Mary Carter Greenway Trail, which is really a beautiful trail.  It follows the South Platte River and I must say, the river was running HIGH!  Wow was it awesome.  I could hear Dan say, "Look at that river!"  All in all, we rode 23.5 miles, from my house to Chatfield and back to my house.  I found thinking about Dan while riding to be a new experience because I really looked at the scenery as though he were with me, with his fantastic camera and even better eye!

I found this great picture of Dan . . . he looks like Clark Gable to me, and I had to ask Steve to make sure it really was Dan!  What a handsome guy!  I will get it scanned for a better view on the next post.

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